Quality politics
Caldereria Urretxu has been evaluated and certified as regards compliance with the ISO 9001: 2015 requirements.
Quality management system
Quality Management:
CALDERERIA URRETXU S.L. company dedicated to the manufacture of elements of sheet metal working, adapting to the needs of Quality – Productivity required by an increasingly competitive market, has a Quality Management System in accordance with the requirements of the International Standard UNE-EN-ISO 9001: 2015.
Comply with applicable requirements and enhance quality:
The Management expressly states its fundamental commitment to comply with the applicable requirements and to enhance the quality of CALDERERÍA URRETXU, S.L., in order to achieve compliance with the following policy:
- Being the clients interested party and fundamental asset of the Organization, it is a priority objective to achieve the full satisfaction of their expectations and needs through the ability to satisfy their requirements.
- The Quality Management System is oriented towards continuous improvement. Faults must be used to learn and eliminate the sources or causes that have generated them.
- The Management assumes as a function of its responsibilities, to exercise leadership in the practice of a behavior that promotes the necessary improvements to obtain the objectives and goals of Quality.
- The Management is committed to compliance with the continuous improvement of the Quality Management System.
- The participation of all the entity components is also a priority objective. For this, information, communication and a good work environment are essential.
The Management verifies that the Quality System:
The management of CALDERERIA URRETXU, ensures that its Quality Policy is communicated to all interested parties. And with the help of internal audits it verifies that the Quality System continuously improves its effectiveness and adequacy.
Calderería Urretxu’s Services
Design and development, laser cutting, folding and bending, welding, painting, repair and maintenance service (SAT), adaptation of machines, assembly at destination (National and International).
Calderería Urretxu S. L.
Integral Service
Design and development, laser cutting, folding and bending, welding, painting, repair and maintenance.
Repair and maintenance service (SAT)
Service repair and maintenance of components, such as telescopic, extractors, fairings, ...

Markets and Sectors
Machine tool, railway sector, wind sector, hydraulic sector and general mechanics.
Industrial sheet metal working
Engineering, mechanical development and elaboration of custom projects

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